Breca Van D'Evic Nel'Fray


Age: 46

Race: Half-Elvin

Quote: The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully.
            - Russian Proverb

Current Place of Residence: The Barony of Ironcloud, in the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills

Goals: To take over the world!


Breca grew up in a the peaceful sylvan village of Laebanar, as the only child of the local alchemist. He had a fairly solitary upbringing, spending most of his time walking alone in the woods, as the human children of the village were too brutish and dull for his taste. His mother had disappeared when he was very young, leaving him nothing but a small apparently broken locket, and his father was too involved with his work to be much of a parent, so Breca had to fend for himself from an early age. When he was 16, he was sitting at the kitchen table, wrestling with his schoolwork when the door of his house flew open in a spray of splinters. Apparently, a gang of barbarians had heard that every alchemist knew how to transform lead into gold, and wanted the secret. His father was in a nearby town buying supplies, and the barbarians were convinced that Breca was the "real" alchemist, but was appearing younger than he really was through some sort of trickery. When he couldn't tell them the secret of the philosopher's stone, they kidnapped him and burned his house down as a parting gift. 

He managed to escape a couple of miles down the road when the barbarians decided that it was time to start drinking again. He asked if he could do anything for them, and they sent him down to the river to fetch water for the horses. Of course, that was the last they ever saw of him. At that point, there were only two things on his mind: he had to avoid the barbarians for sure, but more importantly, he HAD to make sure he was as far away from the village as possible when his father returned to find his house, as well as his years of research, burned to nothing more than a pile of ashes. He started walking, and never looked back. 

After wandering for many years, Breca finally settled down at the small shire of Stillwater, then moved to the Duchy of Eagleshire, then briefly to Cuiviedor Amarth (there's not much to do in a ghost town), and finally to his current residence in the Barony of Ironcloud. He found his sister and brother Tormentaarii and Deitri Van D'Evic, in Cuiviedor Amarth, and joined the Company of the Drunken Wyvern after moving to Ironcloud.